How can lecturers achieve sustainable learning outcomes when teaching about person-centred dementia care? - Best-practices from South-Eastern Europe

Lea Pfaeffel

Keywords: education, dementia, person-centred care, interprofessional collaboration


For persons with dementia, general practitioners (GPs) usually play an important role in the diagnostic procedure and initiating treatment plans.
As dementia becomes more prevalent in South-Eastern Europe due to demographic change, it is vital to optimally educate medical students and early-career GPs on the topic of dementia. However, many skills required for GPs to optimally provide dementia care are often not taught at higher education institutions. To close this gap, a network of dementia experts from South-Eastern Europe has joined forces to advance dementia education by taking advantage of innovative didactic approaches.


The symposium demonstrates best-practise examples on excellent dementia education for students and early-career GPs in an interactive workshop:
• Simona Vytykáčová: How can education and training advance dementia care? An outline of the role of education for upskilling GPs. (10 min. presentation)
• Tiberiu Ionescu: How do students best learn about dementia? A virtual game demonstrates early detection and differential diagnosis of dementia. (15 min. with live virtual game)
• Alexandra Palkovic: How to optimally disclose the diagnosis of dementia? A dialogue scenario shows how to avoid communication pitfalls. (15 min. with online scenario)
• Tina Stukelj: What are the benefits of interprofessional collaboration for GPs in dementia care? An interactive case example illustrates the role of a joint treatment plan. (15 min. with group discussion)
• Vildan Dogan, Lea Pfaeffel: Can education be a part of dementia research? A success report of a project featuring education for mobile memory teams. (15 min. with group discussion)

Expected Outcomes:

At the end of the workshop participants will 1) have advanced their knowledge about interprofessional dementia management, and 2) be able to select the best educational approach for their use case.

Points for discussion:

How to best educate future GPs in an interprofessional manner?

Which practical skills can be trained through games and quizzes?


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