
Surfing the waves of changes in General Practice/Family Medicine Education

The field of GP/FM education has developed tremendously in a positive sense in the past decades. This is a reason for satisfaction, but not a reason to take a rest.

Our discipline faces many challenges. The demand for care in the primary care setting is rising due to a growth in the number of patients with multimorbidity and a shift of care from hospital to primary care setting. Meanwhile, there is a lack of staff in primary care in many countries. Not to talk about the war in Ukraine, causing a complete change in healthcare demands and a lack of means to fulfil seemingly basic needs.

Specifically in education we have faced a tremendous change during the COVID pandemic. How to continue providing education during a lockdown, when meetings were impossible and students and trainees' exposure to patients was hard to organise?

These challenges call on our resilience as human beings, doctors and teachers. They make us develop new ways of organising our profession and professionalising our (future) colleagues. We inspire each other to try new things, to share our successes and failures.

In Bled we will inspire and help each other in a beautiful setting to surf the waves of change in GP/FM education. We welcome all GP/FM teachers and trainees interested in teaching and look forward to interesting, inspiring and impactful discussions!

Scientific committee

Nynke Scherpbier
Vesna Homar
Martine Granek-Catarivas
Adam Windak


Host organising committee

Vesna Homar
Barbara Toplek
Igor Svab
Leopold Zonik
Nena Kopčavar Guček

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