How the hidden curriculum in medicine demonizes the role of emotions in medical education and practice

Friday, 6 October, 14:10

  • Marco Antonio de Carvalho 
    Professor of Research in Health Profession Education – University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
    Marco is an internal medicine specialist, clinical teacher, and researcher in Health Profession Education. Marco is passionate about medical education and active methodologies and is deeply influenced by Critical Pedagogy. This passion led Marco to design and implement innovative online learning, simulation, and assessment approaches. Marco has also worked with participatory theater and music to stimulate medical student's reflection on their personal and professional development. Marco is active in faculty development, especially in using online tools to foster communities of practice of creative teachers. His research interests are focused on identity development, online learning, clinical reasoning, and medical humanities.

In this keynote, Marco Carvalho will explore how the hidden curriculum in medicine demonizes the role of emotions in medical education and practice. Using the Rich Pictures methodology, he will showcase three deeply emotional processes related to medical student's and resident's transition to practice: dealing with moral dilemmas, staying motivated when dealing with uncertainty, and engaging in interprofessional collaborations. In these cases, emotions play a fundamental role, but learners find it hard to have a safe place to talk, elaborate, reflect on and act upon them, which may end up in emotional dissonance and suffering. In the end, Marco will elaborate on practical educational approaches to welcome emotions in our daily business of preparing better health professionals aligned with societal needs.


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