Specialty training in GP/FM : How to get the best out of the hospital experience?

Saturday, 7 October 12:40

  • Dr. Martine Granek-Catarivas

       Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University

The clinical learning environment is important in General Practice/Family Medicine specialty training and has an impact on professional development. Uniquely for GP trainees, about half of the periods of their training occur in a hospital environment, which is not their final workplace. 

The views of GP/FM trainees regarding the contribution of their hospital experience to their professional development have been collected recently from various European countries in a EURACT qualitative study published in the European Journal of General Practice (see Ref.)

In this round table led by Martine Granek-Catarivas, we will further explore some of the important issues raised by the study and open the debate to additional experiences and reflections on the topic. Guest participants in the round table will be: 

  • Karena Hanley, MD, GP from Ireland, the main author of the survey, 

  • Draženka Pongrac Barlovič, MD, internal medicine specialist from Slovenia, a hospital supervisor involved in the training of GP/FM trainees and 

  • invited GP trainees from different counties.  

Participants in the audience, trainers and trainees, will be invited to contribute and share their views. 


Joanna Peart, Nele R. Michels, Karena Hanley, Cian Dolan, Julie Luyckx, Valerie Tanghe, Emma Peeters, Milda Burneikaite, Sonata Varvuolyte, Vesna Homar, Lucija Galič, Kamala Klobučar Kragelj, Geoff McCoombe & Nynke Scherpbier (2023)

 What influences on their professional development do general practice trainees report from their hospital placements? A qualitative study, European Journal of General Practice, 29:1, 2191947, 

DOI: 10.1080/13814788.2023.2191947

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