Positives and Challenges of hybrid education during crisis

Oksana Ilkov, Issah Bin Mohammed,, Yurii Sich, Pavlo Kolesnyk

Keywords: blended lerning, hybrid education, crisis time, war time


To identify the positive points that were achieved despite the challenges in hybrid education
To identify the main challenges that complicated the hybrid educational process


20-30 teachers of family medicine are expected to participate. 2-3 facilitators will take part
The workshop will consist of an introductory part - brainstorming on the topic of possible challenges of hybrid education in times of crises.
An interactive presentation of the positive points and challenges of hybrid education in Ukraine
work in small groups to discuss and reflect on the main steps followed to combat the challenges related to hybrid/blended learning.

Expected Outcomes:

There will be a presentation on challenges of hybrid learning in Ukraine, taking into consideration the current crisis of Russian aggression in Ukraine and the steps we took to mitigate the negative impact on teaching family medicine.
Participants will be encouraged to share their own experience with regards to other challenges they faced in hybrid learning and the steps they took to combat these challenges.

Points for discussion:

points that were achieved despite the challenges in hybrid education

the main challenges that complicated the hybrid educational process


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