Keywords: Postgraduate doctors, lack practical skills in administration og leader skills
Postgraduate fase 3 doctors in Denmark have asked for more practical skills in administration and leadership skills in the establishment process in buying a clininal practice
This game app is develop by Nhat Ngo and associate teachers to adress these skills . 12 cases to help doctors to reflex upon These skills , in establishment , IT , economy, leaderships skills , cooperations skills and more together with tutors .
The game app general pratice “ Almen Praksis Spillet “ is available for all postgraduate doctors in Denmark
The game app is one reflective way to help postgraduate doctors to lower the fear of their lack of practical skills in administration and leadership. The app will help and assist them reflect upon administration and leadership skills in general practice with their tutors
Points for discussion:
What Challenges do you have in Your country regarding postgraduate doctor lack of practical administration and leadership skills
What and how can you assist for Your postgraduate doctors to get practical skills in administration and leadership skills in general practice
How can you assist Them in the future in your country ?