Dilemma’s in the supervision for self-regulated learning in GP-specialty training

Nynke Scherpbier-Dehaan, Roar Maagaard, Edward Mcswiney, Martine Granek-Catarivas, Jachym Bednar, Ilir Mecini, Karena Hanley

Keywords: SRL, supervision


To give participants tools to safely guide GP trainees in their individual development track.
With the explosion in the volume of evidence and understanding of medical conditions and their management, medical practice has changed and Medical Education has changed also. It is no longer about learning the specific management of a range of clinical cases. It is more about ensuring that doctors in training know where to find the evidence, can clinically apply that evidence, and have developed good professional habits in team working, communication skills, record keeping, an ethical approach, resource awareness, time management and self-care. This is why it is now more important than ever to promote self-regulated learning (SRL) in GP training.


1.Personal stories how GPs developed their own SRL (5 min)
2.Presentation on SRL and the goals of education (10 min)
3. Presentation about the developments of SRL in Ireland (10 min)
3.Break into groups (35 min) for dilemma session
4.Plenary wrap up (15 min)

Expected Outcomes:

GP teachers, GP trainers and GP trainees know more about SRL and the goals of edcation. Furthermore, they have more insights on the dilemma's in supervising SRL and the possibilities to handle these dilemma's.

Points for discussion:

which dilemma's do stakholders experience?

how do they handle these dilemma's?


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